STEREO is a "full stack" tool kit designed to make the process of developing dynamic server-rendered web applications significantly easier and more enjoyable.

It's built with old boring technology, and will run in any LAMP (shared web hosting) environment with no extra setup required.*

Spend less time fighting with software and more time enjoying life with your family and friends!

Key Features:
Flexible routing system with pretty urls.
Powerful {{handlebars}} templates
Convenient data handler functions for CRUD operations with MYSQL/PDO
Helpful utility functions for working with cookies, http requests, email, etc.
Sensible (and minimal) front-end boilerplate
Straightforward application structure.
NO BUILD SYSTEM — you can edit your site on a web server over ftp like your grandparents did!
Fiscally responsible — works with most $5/mo shared web hosting providers.
Build the simplest possible version
and then move on with your life!
ethos / core concepts (brutalism, simplicity, etc)
* brutalist in theory/practice, not the kitschy web aesthetic *
don't build things that impress your colleagues, build something that solves a problem and gives you time to spend with your family and friends

web development doesn't NEED to be complex, you don't have to introduce a ton of complexity into your application just to get stuff online. it CAN be really easy and simple.

FAQs? support? contribution guidelines?
-- contributions are welcome, but not guaranteed to be merged into project.
-- go ahread and submit issues, but i'm not gonna fix your problems. (for free) - pay hxgf (jy) to help w/ support, set up / deploy / consulting
stereo - things you might choose when starting a new project (tachyons, jq, font awesome, etc) - all wired up and ready to go 👍 stereo - primitive/generic - simplified express concept for presentation (user-facing) web application layer - designed to make routing and display a breeze - designed to handle the foundation/baseline setup for server-rendered web apps and enable FAST and efficient dev workflow (remove friction, lower barriers to productivity)

```jsx stereo is: - mysql - php - handlebars - alto - db_handlers - helper abstractions (cookies, email, http requests, settings, etc) - tachyons - alpine - turbolinks - workflow/architecture/conventions/opinions ```

## addl features/content -- links to docs for all included libs (tachyons, alto, etc) stereo / dw docs - want a list of all globally available variables (user_group, is_admin, user_id, etc) (in addition to functions) supplemental handlebars guide - we have a few helpers, here's alink to more helpers (find whatever the giant php repo of custom hbars helpers) here's how/where to add them to your thing...if that's your thing guide - how to support postgres (or other dbs) instead of mysql w/ pdo nginx support guide just make an nginx config available that does everything the htaccess does nginx support guide stereo setup guide - post/article about how to install and best practices for setting up your site not particularly covered by the framework, but good practices (script preloading, enable gzip, simple server-level optimizations / easy wins for perf) here's where to generate favicons, get loader icons, cool 3rd-party libs we like (dropzone, fancybox, etc) GZIP/pagespeed compression (stuff you can put in your htaccess?) want to make templates for stereo/dw like cargo that you can just use in your (/my) sites but maybe based on tailwind (or tachyons) []components gallery - list of copy/paste components to throw into your project - php snippets too (bookmarks for snippets that manipulate text, arrays, dates, etc) (stuff i always have to look up lol) - and if you like functional components and data management, let me talk to you about our lord and savior darkwave []future - tutorials (medium/devto articles? video screencasts) - how to build ___ w/ stereo (& directus/dw) - compiled stimulus w/ stereo/dw/lexxi? && turbolinks! - examples for how to integrate w/ cloud services (s3, twilio, mailgun, etc) []cool software you can use w/ this (write some tutorial examples) - want to do functional programming w/ php? - caching / key/val storage stereo docs list of cool resources/patterns fw-agnostic libs for common solutions (vanilla js, etc) like this kind of stuff []collection of cool resources * 58b of css to look great everwhere also -- this looks hella badass lightweight default styles / jumpstart web dev projects * html5bp is not for everyone but it works for a lot of ppl * you concerned w/ performance? check this out: stereo find a cool diagram of a component stereo system & note components (speakers, receiver, cd player, wires, remote, etc) then show a video of what stereo covers (database, router, templates, utility functions, org system/workflow/conventions, etc) make analogies where appripriate it's like a component stereo system. the important part is the content/application (bring your cds, records, karaoke idk) (write your logic in a neeat and organized way, what are you making?) docs - simple outline (w/ diagrams) about what stereo does highlight the important pieces (htaccess, index/bootstrap logic, config, routes, etc) []stereo docs - make a cool diagram of the application structure -- where it fits in the "stack" -- problems it solves, what it covers, where it stops file tree (all the pieces, everything that's included) education - screencasts on how the system works, what it does, helper functions, workflows, app structure, "boostrap"/processing logic, etc Stereo docs example of how one would use with composer meh stereo list of recommended hosts, serverless setup tutorials, how to set up on varios platforms (do, linode, ec2, etc) []outline system requirements - something about the file structure (everything is organized in a very straightforward manner) - global array_encode - global array_decode - stereo helpers (is_admin, is_auth, year, etc) need documentation (what's available, etc) - "we're not including a lot of js stuff bc we don't want to make TOO many assumptions about what you're doing. darkwave, however, continues this line of thought (w/ the patterns) and provides provides a ton of js resources for building all kinds of stuff on top of this" - re: favicons -- you can do whatever you want obv, but we generated the favicons here: -- it seems like the 'best practices' for favicons change frequently. we did a few cross-platform ones (here), check out the 'favicons' partial if you want to see what's going on. btw this includes a manifest.json, so if you're doing anything w/ that, track it down and edit accordingly (it's in images/favicons whatever) stereo docs - writing/using handlebars functions - adding functions/methods to the "system" class - which variables and functions are available colophon - list of projects we utilize (alto router, hbars, etc) and credits for the developers who made those things -- stereo docs colophon - record of all the 3rd-party libs (alto, hbars, etc) "credits" / documentation of what's included outline vision (simplicity / limited scope, intentionally limited, evergreen api, etc), contributions are welcome, but all contributions will be considered with this perspective in mind - coding styleguide - coding conventions for building plugins & themes - requirements for dependencies (3rd-party lib restrictions, etc) - quasi-open (juried, anyone is welcome but stuff needs to be approved by core group or whatever) []boilerplate/demo - turn-key styleguide w/ light tachyons components []original demo content (what do horses eat, partials, loops, etc) []live version where i can test new stuff (/validate that things are working) []

# EXTERNAL RESOURCES Stereo meta - cool to have a front end resources collection, for doing cool stuff w fonts and css, normal stuff you can do w front end stuff, don’t need stereo, but very helpful for dev w stereo Hxgf fe- curated resources (good articles, utility sites, etc) stereo cool alt lib for db stuff? stereo/dw - cool to have a collection of cool resources you can use to make web sites out of nothing (copy/paste elements & stuff) []resource links -- bitchin tachyons components: - add links to component docs - (ships w/ 4.1.0 (just like rails!)) - - TACHYONS COLORS: - it would be really cool if someone made a cool chart of these - - - handy tachyons pieces - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - make notes about easily finding components / building patterns with both libs - tachyons styles - - - tachyons crash course - - alto router docs - something about breakpoints - we set a few for you, if you want to target specific devices (it happens sometimes, ok?) - if you want to use the tachyons breakpoints (s/m/l) that's a good idea, too. good example for that kind of thing here: /* breakpoints match Tachyons media queries: */ /* need to be more specific? check this out: */

stereodocs++ - nice to have a list of breakpoints (copy paste, like if you need to hunt down the media query to target small (phone) devices, and want to keep tachyons-consistent resolution,,,like i'm doing right now)

diagrams of what the system does (processing model, "flow" of logic, how templates are processed, etc)

stereo docs - if you jive with the ethos of this fw and this workflow for developing, you may be interested in our more "batteries-included" "full-stack" toolkit for developing web applications. it takes these conventions and adds convenient tools (admin, abstractions) to make the development of more complex systems a relative ~~breze~~

[[FIRST PRINCIPLES NEW SECTION - that briefly outlines the impetus for creating the framework, the need it fills, and the ideals/conventions intended to be used for creating apps/sites w/ the framework ]]

This tool kit was designed to make it easy to develop internet-based applications that operate in perpetuity with minimal technical overhead. Templates are dynamically rendered on the server and delivered as static html. This frameworks provides organization for your project and conventions for making technical decisions.

  • Download the application files and put them on your server or dev environment.
  • Edit the config file: ./settings.php
  • Set up some routes: ./controllers/_routes.php
  • Make some templates: ./pages/index.hbs
  • Go nuts!
  • Server Requirements
  • PHP >= 5.3
  • MYSQL >= 3.0
  • Apache >= 2.4 (nginx support coming soon)
  • optional - allow_url_fopen (?? or whatever...if uploading files) - imagemagick (if messing with images) - apc (if you want to use db caching)
  • * NOTE: If you're using Coda, install the handlebars mode for syntax highlighting in your templates.

    Application Structure

    it's pretty easy to see where everything is and what to do settings (global site vars, db setup, this is a good place to set timezone/debugging/upload/php settings, too) global functions / handlebars helpers controllers / routes [back end code]

    [cool to have a image or diagram of the folder tree / application structure]

    you can organize the controllers folder however you want, it doesn't matter...just remember to link all the files you add in _routes.php (we want to automatically include all the files in this folder but there's no easy way to do that w/ php so whatev)

    Included libraries

    FRONT END STUFF (you can easily comment this out if you don't want it, but it's super handy if you're doing stuff from scratch) - tachyons - - jquery (& cookie) - normalize

    something something define what happens a user visits a given url on your site. by default all of the routes are in ./controllers/_routes.php, but as your site grows, you might find it helpful to break that into different files. organize however you like using php includes, just remember to "link" each new php doc/folder you create and keep all that in "controllers". also.
    Routing with HTTP verbs

    You can accept any type of http request and do things with them (really cool if you want to make an actual rest api with http verbs) (all current http verbs are supported, so you can get as specific as you want)

    	$app->get('/whatever/url/you/define', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->post('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->post('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->put('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->delete('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->patch('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->copy('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->head('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->options('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    Accepting any/all matching HTTP requests

    you can do that too (this code will run whenever you try to access this url with any kind of http request)

    	$app->all('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    	$app->any('/whatever/url', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here
    Parsing URL parameters

    also, you can do stuff with regex or whatever to retrieve parameters from the urls. here are a few examples. see the alto router docs for more detailed info (stereo uses alto router, so you can parse the parameters in a lot of ways. here are a few examples. refer to the docs for more) - - how to work w/ the router: CHECK IT OUT!!!

    With or without the trailing slash:

    	$app->get('/about/?', function(){
    	  // your PHP code here

    Using a url parameter as variable:

    	$app->get('/register/activate/[*:hash]', function($hash){ 
    	  // url parameter is available to your PHP code as $hash

    And of course you can access _GET vars like normal PHP docs:

    	$app->get('/directory/search/?', function(){ 
    	  // ex url:
    	  echo $_GET['fish'];  // betta
    	  echo $_GET['dish'];  // espinacas
    	  echo $_GET['planet'];  // keppler-452b
    once you have a URL route set up, it's a good idea to define what happens there. the sky is almost the limit for what you can do at that just has to be php. here are some cool options!
    render_template ($options)

    Render a handlebars template with special STEREO abstraction variables () -- future docs: the passwords part of this requires php >= 5.5

    	$app->get('/handlebars-stereo', function(){
    	    'template' => 'planets',
    	    'title' => 'Cool Planets',
    	    'layout' => false,
    	    'data' => array(
    	      'righteous_content' => 'for_sure',
    	      'planets' => array(
    	        'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Nibiru'
    render_json ($options)

    Render an array of data as a JSON string and send with JSON headers (handy for easily making API responses)

    	$app->post('/json-response', function(){
    	    'righteous_content' => 'for sure',
    	    'planets' => array(
    	      'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Nibiru'
    render ($template_name, $data)

    Render a handlebars template using a php array for saturation (note this is not attached to the stereo $app class)

    	$app->get('/handlebars-normal', function(){
    	  echo $GLOBALS['engine']->render('handlebars-example', array(
    	    'righteous_content' => 'for sure',
    	    'planets' => array(
    	      'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Nibiru'
    Show a document at a given url

    want to show just a document? do it like this

    	$app->get('/normal-page', function(){
    	  require __DIR__ . '/pages/whatever.html';
    Send headers

    send a header. it can be whatever you want...this is nothing special with the framework, just something good to remember

    	$app->get('/whatever', function(){
    something something templates go in ./pages and you can call them whatever you want. you can organize this however you want, too! link to handlebars docs for more info.
    Basic Variables

    the simplest thing to do. if you use render_template, stereo includes a few by default (year, etc) as well as a few special things (is_admin, auth, user_id, etc) (title [uses the site title by default, so it's kinda optional])


    	$app->get('/variable-example', function(){
    	    'template' => 'demo',
    	    'data' => array(
    	      'fish' => 'salmon',
    	      'dish' => 'paella',
    	      'planet' => 'Nibiru'

    hbs (note about literals { { { } } } vs { { } } -- by default hbars doesn't parse html tags, so if you want to have them rendered, do this)

    	<h2>Simple Variables Example</h2>
    	<h3>Cool Fish: {{fish}}</h3>
    	<h3>Cool Dish: {{dish}}</h3>
    	<h3>Cool Planet: {{planet}}</h3>
    Iterating Arrays

    it's hella easy, just like a foreach loop. you can even nest the arrays to infinity (and beyond) (sorry) (it can be as simple or complex as you want to make it) (see the demo controller/templates for an example of more complex array iteration)

    php (simple & complex example from demo)

    	$app->get('/array-example', function(){
    	    'template' => 'demo',
    	    'data' => array(
    	      'snacks' => array(
    	        'Sugar Cubes',
    	        'Weaker Horses'

    hbs (simple & complex example from demo)

    	  {{#each snacks}}
    Simple Logic

    you can do some simple logic to check if a variable exists (or has value). if you would like to do more complex logic, check out [if_either], [in_array], [is]


    	$app->get('/logic-example', function(){
    	    'template' => 'demo',
    	    'data' => array(
    	      'fish' => 'salmon',
    	      'dish' => 'paella',

    hbs (if/else, unless, (normal hbars logic, link to hbars docs) maybe is & link to helpers)

    	{{#if fish}}
    	 Salmon is available
    	{{else}} // this won't show:
    	 No salmon for you.
    	{{#unless snacks}}
    	 No snacks available. We have {{dish}}, though.
    	{{else}} // this won't show:
    	 Look at all the snack options:
    	 {{#each snacks}}
    	 - {{this}} <br />

    You can include templates in other templates! That is neat! all your partials need to be in the _partials directory, but you can organize that however you want!

    normal php whatever example

    	$app->get('/partials-example', function(){
    	    'template' => 'demo',
    	    'data' => array(
    	      'fish' => 'salmon',
    	      'dish' => 'paella',
    	      'planet' => 'Nibiru'


    	<h2>Demo page (rendered with partial from separate template)</h2>
    	<h3>Fish: {{fish}}</h3>
    	<h3>Dish: {{dish}}</h3>
    	{{> planets-partial}}

    hbs (partial code) (see how it has access to the same data?)

    	  {{#each planets}}
    Global Layouts

    if you want to use a global header footer, you can! you can define as many global wrappers/layouts as you want (like express, django, ember,!) if you leave the "layout" parameter blank, STEREO will use the layout in ./pages/_layouts/base.hbs by default. your content will be rendered where the [[outlet]] part is

    php example

    	$app->get('/layouts-example', function(){
    	    'template' => 'demo',
    	    'title' => 'Site Title Whatever',
    	    'layout' => 'admin',  // false for nothing, base by default
    	    'data' => array(
    	      'fish' => 'salmon',
    	      'dish' => 'paella',
    	      'planets' => array(
    	        'Mercury', 'Venus', 'Earth', 'Nibiru'

    hbs (wrapper)

    	<!DOCTYPE html>
    	  <meta charset="utf-8" />
    	  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge, chrome=1" />
    	  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/app.css" />
    	  <div class="header"><h1>Site Title Whatever</h1></div>
    	  <div class="container">
    	    [[outlet]]  // this is where the content will be rendered
    	  <div class="footer">(c) {{year}} -- All rights reserved or whatever.</div>
    	<script src="/js/vendor/jquery.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="/js/app.js"></script>


    	<h2>Demo page (rendered with global wrapper)</h2>
    	<h3>Fish: {{fish}}</h3>
    	<h3>Dish: {{dish}}</h3>
    	  {{#each planets}}
    Template Locals (Global Variables)

    need to make an arbitrary variable/array available to all the templates? use $GLOBALS['locals'] (hold for laugh) but seriously, folks, treat it like an array and whatever you need. and if it's an array is something you can iterate over. and, of course, all of this is available to the application as $GLOBALS['locals']['numbers'] or whatever

    php example

    	$GLOBALS['locals']['eat_this'] = "breakfast";


    	Let's have {{locals.eat_this}} for dinner.

    php example

    	$GLOBALS['locals']['colors'] = array('red', 'salmon', 'lilac', 'azul');


    	  {{#each locals.colors}}
    You can use handlebars helpers to transform any of your handlebars variables. STEREO includes a handful of common php functions as helpers plus a few special ones. you can write your own, too! it's super easy!

    transform string to lowercase (link to php docs)

    	{{lowercase hbar_variable}}
    	// "Don't Fear The Reaper"   --->   "don't fear the reaper"

    escape quotes (link to php docs)

    	{{addshlashes hbar_variable}}
    	// "Don't Fear The Reaper"   --->   "Don\'t Fear The Reaper"

    note u gotta use 3 curly braces w/ this because it turns plain text to html just F Y I// nl2br // transform line breaks to "br /" ()link to php docs

    	{{{nl2br hbar_variable}}}
    	   "Don't Fear
    	The Reaper"   --->   "Don't Fear <br /> The Reaper"

    to_fixed - return given number calculated to given number of decimal places (defaults to 2)

    	{{to_fixed hbar_variable}}    // 3.14
    	{{to_fixed hbar_variable 4}}  // 3.1415
    	{{to_fixed hbar_variable 0}}  // 3

    parse unix timestamp into human-readable date format (basically php's date()). use "now" for current date/time

    	{{date hbar_variable "m/d/Y"}}  // "1459036800"   --->   "3/27/2015"
    	{{date "now" "m/d/Y"}}  // "{{date "now" "m/d/Y"}}"

    transform time/date format (same as date, but it turns a string [like a js date object] into unix time first)

    	{{date_transform hbar_variable "m/d/Y"}}  // "Sun Aug 14 2016 00:00:00 +0000"   --->   "8/14/2016"

    in_array -- return true(/false) if this item is(/is not) in the array -- can be a csv string, too

    	  colors_array = ['red', 'salmon', 'lilac', 'azul']
    	                    -- or --
    	  colors_array = "red, salmon, lilac, azul"
    	{{#in_array "green" colors_array }} 
    	 it's in the array!
    	 it's not in :(

    if_either - return true if the first thing equals either the second or third thing (they could also be hbar_variables)

    	{{#if_either hbar_variable "salmon" "azul"}}
    	 it's true :)
    	 it's false :(

    this one has a lot of cool options // is // basic comparison operators you can compare either hbars variables or strings (and use arrays, in some cases) acceptable operators: ==, ===, not, !=, <,>, <=,>=, in, typeof

    	{{#is hbar_variable "==" "paella"}}
    	 yes :)
    	 no :(

    // will also show if the first thing is contained within the second thing (even it's CSV) (2nd thing can be a string, csv list, or an array) // 2nd param can beither array or csv

    	{{#is hbar_variable_1 "in" hbar_variable_2}}
    	 yes :)
    	 no :(

    // you can also compare variables by types (array, string, integer, etc) (uses php gettype

    	{{#is hbar_variable_1 "typeof" hbar_variable_2}}
    	 yes :)
    	 no :(
    Custom Helpers

    it's easy, just write a php function and put it in ./controllers/_global.php and then use it in whatever template. look! (you can copy this code as a good starting point). here's a simple example combining a couple simple native php functions. take a look at the handlebars-helpers file to see more examples of how we put together the more complex helpers (we got a lot of these from somewhere, anyone remember where?)

    php example

    	$engine->addHelper('lowercase_slashes', function($template, $context, $args, $source) {
    	  $parsed_args = $template->parseArguments($args);
    	  return lowercase(addslashes($context->get($parsed_args[0])));

    corresponding hbs (wrapper)

    	{{lowercase_slashes hbar_variable}}
    	// "Don't Fear The Reaper"   --->   "don\'t fear the reaper"
    something something it's trivially easy to work with other systems if you use an api! look how easy it is to consume 3rd-party services - a lot of times you might have a need to integrate things you've made with other systems. fortunately, everyone can consume/produce json apis and this is perfect.
    http_request ($url, $data)

    Make an http request to a given url (using curl), send data, return the raw response.

    	$data = $GLOBALS['app']->http_request('', array(
    	  'user_id' => 581146,
    	  'api_key' => '696719xvckvzxspigh24y1e-b'
    if you need to make a json/http request a GET request instead of post, do this:
    json_request ($url, $data)

    Make an http request to a given url, send data, and return an array of response data (expects response in json the kind sent from render_json). (append _debug to just make an http request and see the raw result)

    	$data = $GLOBALS['app']->json_request('', array(
    	  'user_id' => 581146,
    	  'api_key' => '696719xvckvzxspigh24y1e-b'
    	/* expected response: 
    	    first_name: "Eddie",
    	    last_name: "Mercury",
    	    favorite_fish: "Salmon"
    	    'first_name' => 'Eddie',
    	    'last_name' => 'Mercury',
    	    'favorite_fish' => 'Salmon'
    api_request ($url, $data)

    Make a json request to a given url, send hard-coded data from cookies (user_id, auth_token, admin_token, moderator_token). Specialized for use with STEREO patterns/components (coming soon) -- // same as json_request, but in addition to data params, this sends the user_id, auth_token, admin_token, moderator_token set in cookies as those params, uses the $GLOBALS['api_root'] in settings. you can set extra variables to send (like if your api requires a key or whatever...see stereo-core.php, the function called "api_request" obv) (append _debug to just make an http request and see the raw result)

    	$data = $GLOBALS['app']->api_request('/admin/events/screen', array(
    	  'parameter_1' => 'cool stuff',
    	  'parameter_2' => 'cooler stuff'
    	/* data sent to api would look something like:
    	    user_id: "581146",
    	    admin_token: "123123-1230973t2097sdv",
    	    auth_token: "1203920rdvslasphwg",
    	    moderator_token: false,
    	    parameter_1: "cool stuff",
    	    parameter_2: "cooler stuff"
    	/* expected response: 
    	    first_name: "Eddie",
    	    last_name: "Mercury",
    	    favorite_fish: "Salmon"
    	    'first_name' => 'Eddie',
    	    'last_name' => 'Mercury',
    	    'favorite_fish' => 'Salmon'

    Set a cookie for a given amount of time.

    	  'Buzz',  // can be a string or an array or whatever
    	  1461619625  // optional, in unix time format, default is time() + 31536000000

    Return the value of a given cookie.

    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->cookie_get('user_name');  // Buzz

    Delete a given cookie.

    (something mysql crud functionality, requires pdo (php 5.3+), global functions, not part of the $app class, so use it however it suits you)
    db_insert ($table, $input)

    Sanitize parameters and insert array of data into database. Returns the id of the record created.

    	$new_id = db_insert("celestial_bodies", array(
    	  'name' => 'Luna',
    	  'classification' => 'moon',
    	  'comment' => 'Earth\'s moon, also commonly referred to as "the moon"'
    	echo $new_id;
    db_find ($table, $criteria, $options)

    Sanitize parameters and retrieve data from database. (SELECT *)
    Returns an array with the the data and a total number of results.

    	$planets = db_find("celestial_bodies", "classification = 'planet' ORDER BY title ASC LIMIT 8");
    	foreach ($planets['data'] as $p){
    	  echo $p['title'];
    	  echo $p['classification'];
    	  // etc, etc
    	echo $planets['total'];  // 8

    You can run a raw query (if you need to do joins or anything fancy)

    	$space_objects = db_find("", "SELECT title, classification FROM celestial_bodies WHERE id IS NOT NULL", array(
    	  'raw' => true

    If APC is enabled on your system, you can cache your queries

    	$planets = db_find("celestial_bodies", "classification = 'planet' ORDER BY title ASC", array(
    	  'cache' => true,
    	  'cache_length' => 120  // optional, in seconds, default is 60
    db_update ($table, $input, $criteria)

    Sanitize parameters and update a database record.

    	db_update("celestial_bodies", array(
    	  'name' => 'Mars',
    	  'comment' => 'Research "The Phobos Incident" -- we are not alone'
    	), "name='Marz'");
    db_delete ($table, $criteria)

    Sanitize parameters and delete a given database record.

    	db_delete("celestial_bodies", "name='venice'");
    email_send ($options)

    Send an plain text or html email (with mailgun api, if available, otherwise using php mail).

    	  'to' => '',
    	  'from' => '',
    	  'cc' => '',  // optional
    	  'bcc' => '',  // optional
    	  'reply-to' => '',  // optional
    	  'subject' => 'Send me an email',
    	  'html' => true,  // optional, message will be sent as plain text unless this is true
    	  'message' => 'Right now...<br /><br /><br /><b><u>RIGHT NOW</u></b>'
    		'from' => '',
    		'to' => '',
    		'template' => 'mail/test',
    		'layout' => 'mail',
    	// 	'preview' => true,
    	// 	'debug' => true,
    		'data' => array(
    			'email' => ''
    client_ip ()

    Return the address of the computer making the current request.

    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->client_ip();

    fixit disclaimer about ip addresses and accuracy (we use a couple of redundant methods, but you can't really trust them in general because of the nature of how ip addresses work...easily spoofable, etc)

    url_slug ($string)


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->url_slug();
    url_strip ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->url_strip();
    url_validate ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->url_validate();
    mysql_date ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->mysql_date();
    video_id ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->video_id();
    br2nl ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->br2nl();
    pagination_query ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->pagination_query();


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->pagination_links();
    array_encode ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->array_encode();
    array_decode ()


    	echo $GLOBALS['app']->array_decode();

    - how to work w/ nginx link to patterns/components repo - examples of how to do various kinds of things - copy/paste code samples - routing - crud operations - etc - working w/ compose pattern lib reqs [- phmagick (imagemagick) [- s3 upload (what's it called?) [- smoke [- dropzone [- fancybox [- mailgun setting max file size (w/ htaccess / php) upload_max_filesize = 20M post_max_size = 20M
